School Uniform
It is important to the school that our school uniform is affordable, we therefore keep the amount of uniform that has our logo on to a minimum. There is no obligation to purchase uniform with the logo, and children are able to wear unbranded items eg supermarket schoolwear.
Our standard uniform for:
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
- grey or black tracksuit bottoms/skirt
- white polo shirt
- green jumper or cardigan
Years 3, 4, 5, 6
- Grey or black trousers/skirt (tracksuit bottoms are fine for those children unable to do buttons and zips)
- white polo shirt
- green jumper or cardigan
Our PE kit is:
- black shorts
- white t-shirt
- plimsolls
Please click here for details of our uniform with School Logo
School logo uniform can be ordered from this website:
School Lunches
There is such a thing as a free lunch - is your child receiving their free school meal??
FSM Fact Sheet for Reception to Year 2
FSM Fact Sheet for Year 3 and above
To apply for Free school meals online : www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals
A sample of our school lunch menu can be viewed below, it is a rolling menu over a 3 week period. Individual dietary needs are catered for by our catering team.