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Colnbrook School

Poppy Pathway    

Pathway Overview

The Poppy Pathway is aimed at pupils who will be able to explore their environment in more purposefully ways. They will be able to communicate using a formal method (verbal, AAC) so they are understood, can share thoughts, comment and ask/answer simply questions. They may have spikey learner profiles i.e. reasonably well developed skills in some areas yet significant difficulties in others. Pupils on the Poppy pathway can participate and complete appropriate work tasks with reducing adult support.  They will be developing the skills to engage with others about topics that are of interest and motivate them.  They may still need a high level of visual support but may now be able to use these visual with increasing independence.

Pathway Intent

Communication: Pupils on the Poppy pathway will benefit from a language rich environment which encourages conversations with adults and peers throughout the day. By commenting on what the pupils are interested in doing, and echoing back what they are saying, adding new vocabulary where appropriate, adults will build the children’s language appropriately. Pupils on the Poppy pathway will make comments on what they see and during their play. Pupils on the Poppy pathway use an increased vocabulary, use longer and more complex sentences, engage in problem solving and talk about more than just what is happening in the moment.

Timetable and Curriculum: Their timetable is devised to include both EYFS style learning opportunities as well as more structured semi-formal subject specific sessions. There will be opportunities for off-site visits focusing on accessing the local community safely. Time will be built into the curriculum to develop children’s play skills and their interactions with their peers.  They will be able to attend to whole group, small group and 1:1 sessions for increasing periods of time.

Teaching & Learning: Small group work as well as whole class teaching sessions. A high level of practical resources to aid and support learning.  Learning opportunities where learning is related to their own personal experience will be included where possible. Some may learn through structured play, others will learn more effectively through functional activities, and others will respond well to a frequently repeated topic-based approach. Good use will be made of memory aids, where instructions are delivered simply and broken down and where pupils have lots of opportunity to practice both specific skills and general thinking skills. A multi-sensory approach will be incorporated where appropriate and will include a range of hands-on activities for pupils to practice their skills in different ways and as a way of consolidating their learning.

Environment: The environment for pupils on the Poppy pathway will generally include one where there is structure and routine, where information is presented in lots of different ways many times (i.e. ‘one-off’ events are generally less meaningful). Good use is made of visuals, prompts and a range of memory aids, where instructions are delivered simply and broken down and where pupils have lots of opportunity to practice both specific skills and general thinking skills. 

Staff:  Staff teams will be confident in using a wide range of approaches in order to best support the pupils on the Bluebell pathway. Some pupils will still benefit from approaches used in the Daffodil pathway such as Attention Autism (Bucket Time), PECS, Rebound Therapy, Sensory Stories and Sherbourne. While other pupils on the Poppy pathway will benefit from more formal approach such as TEACHH and completing differentiated learning activities which are highly visual.

Pathway Impact

To achieve their Personal Learning Goals

To make progress within all 6 areas of the Learning Guides

To achieve their end of Key Stage outcomes from their EHCP

To successfully transition through the learning phases at Colnbrook school and onto an appropriate secondary provision

To be happy and enjoy school

To be able to communicate about topics that motivate and interest them

To be curious about themselves and things that are familiar to them

To be able to listen and respond to others appropriately

To establish positive interactive relationships with familiar adults and peers

To recognise strategies that can help them feel calm (sometimes with adult support)