Friends of Colnbrook - Registered Charity No.285066
Friends of Colnbrook is a registered charity whose main objectives are to raise money and supply the children who attend our school with equipment they may need to improve or enhance their life at Colnbrook.
With help and support, Friends run events throughout the school year such as the Christmas Fair, Bingo Evening, Summer BBQ etc. We usually raise substantial amounts of money and have some fun in the process!
All of our functions rely on help and support from parents and, wherever possible, include the children. Please feel free to come and join in, it's extremely rewarding and we are always looking for fresh ideas. If you would like to join the committee then please contact the school office.
The Friends Colnbrook also hold coffee mornings in school so that parents can meet together in a relaxed and social setting. Look out for the times and dates.
If you or any member of your family work for a company that might be interested in sponsoring the school - or in raising money for a specific project - please contact the Head teacher.