My Learning Journey
This is a child’s personalised learning journey whilst at Colnbrook School. It starts with the child’s Education, Health & Care Plan, from which teachers (with support from other professionals) ensure all children have aspirational outcomes in the five key areas: Communication & Interaction; Sensory & Physical Needs; Social, Emotional & Mental Health; Cognition & Learning; Self-Help & Independence. To support children achieving these outcomes, personalised learning goals are written twice a year under the six learning areas of our Colnbrook Meadow Curriculum.
We share goals with parents at the beginning of each cycle and encourage them to contribute to this learning at home and share successes with us. All children are made aware of the goals they are working on at an appropriate level to them using a ‘child-friendly version’ to display goals within their classrooms.
Using an online platform, Evidence for Learning, we are able to gather photographs, work, videos and observations to demonstrate the progress each child is making towards their goals and supports the formal assessment of each goal. We believe this approach has an emphasis on child-centred, cross-curricular and functional skills-based learning.
The process is monitored at each stage by the senior leadership team, as it is particularly important that the school is sure the goals set are ambitious and judgements are sound when using such a personalised assessment system. We expect the majority of our children to make at least expected progress through this assessment system, with some doing even better. Children who do not make expected progress will be quickly identified during assessment weeks, moderations and mid-cycle reviews and will be provided with additional support determined by the class teacher in discussion with SLT.