Bluebell Pathway 
Pathway Overview
The Bluebell pathway is aimed at our pupils who have acquired sufficient skills to be able to process and memorise new information and have sufficient working memory to be able to connect this to stored information. They may be quite skilled at applying it to new contexts and combining it with other information to problem-solve. For the majority of pupils on the Bluebell pathway, they will follow a whole class timetable and a more formal structure to their teaching and learning day. Pupils on the Bluebell pathway often have a greater awareness of themselves and expressing their emotions and therefore may require support in developing their Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs, for example, knowing how to manage their emotions.Pathway Intent
To provide the right teaching and learning environment to ensure progress.
To promote and embed positive pupil well-being, confidence, independence and communication skills
To ensure pupils can access a broad and balanced curriculum and make progress across all learning areas
To develop strategies to self-regulate and manage their own emotions and behaviours
To gain life skills and have experiences that will prepare them for the next steps
Pathway Implementation
Communication: Pupils on the Bluebell pathway will be given opportunities to ask questions, discuss and engage with the adults and peers within their classroom and the wider school. They will be supported to develop their social-communication skills to enable them to develop positive relationships and friendships. Social skills such as sharing, cooperating, listening, respecting personal space and negotiating with others will be an important focus for these pupils.
Timetable and curriculum: Pupils on the Bluebell pathway often access many elements of the Key Stage 1+ National Curriculum, tailored, to meet individual needs and delivered through the six learning areas. Timetables will reflect a more subject specific based approach although will be taught through a topic theme. Individualised routines and structures may still be evident for a pupil on the Bluebell pathway who may need additional support with their self-regulation and managing their emotions/behaviour so that they can be ‘ready to learn’. Extra-curricular activities including sports events with other schools, competitive activities e.g. swimming gala, will be encouraged. Play skills will remain an important part of a pupil on a Bluebell pathway’s timetables due to the ongoing need to develop social skills and relationships with their peers.
Teaching & learning: Pupils on the Bluebell pathway are able to focus on building additional skills such as teamwork, organising, explaining, justifying, reflecting, inferring, summarising, analysing. We nevertheless avoid making the formal curriculum too abstract; teachers ensure that learning is linked to practical activities and consolidated and applied in practical sessions. Pupils are encouraged to become active participants in evaluating and assessing their own learning giving them greater ownership in their next steps. Pupils on the Bluebell pathway are provided with an environment that encourages independent thinking and responsibilities e.g. collecting their own stationary, classroom or whole class responsibilities.
Environment: Pupils on the Bluebell pathway are generally more able to cope with new experiences and therefore are more likely to take part in one-off events and experiences that pupils in the other pathways may find too abstract. This will include more frequent off-site visits including developing independence in accessing the local community e.g. developing skills for independent shopping, using the library, and going on transport. These experiences will provide opportunity for pupils to plan, experience and evaluate off- site visits linked to their topics and the learning areas.
Staff: Staff teams supporting pupils on the Bluebell pathway will be confident in using a wide range of approaches, therapies and interventions such TEACHH, Colour Coding to develop sentence structure, scaffolds for writing with visual support. Visual support will continue to be in place for those pupils that need it, for example, visual timetables, emotional regulation support, social stories etc. Pupils will be encouraged to work independently where appropriate.
Pathway Impact
To have the life skills necessary for the next steps in their personal and educational lives
To be able to manage and regulate their emotions in a more appropriate way
To feel confident in communicating and sharing their ideas
To be happy and enjoy school
To have positive relationships with peers and adults
To successfully transition through the learning phases within Colnbrook and onto an appropriate secondary provision.
Achieve their Personal Learning Goals
To make progress within all 6 areas of the Learning Guides
Achieve their end of Key Stage outcomes from their EHCP